Saturday, May 24, 2014

Meandering Thoughts on Book Series

Is there any better way to spend a lazy morning? I sure as heck can't think of one.

The Ultimate Morning
Ryan is currently reading his way through the Harry Potter series, and it stirs up so many memories. I remember waiting for the midnight book releases, wand in hand (courtesy of my dear friend Cassie). I remember the enthusiasm for a book that truly did reach folks of all ages. I remember getting Order of the Phoenix the night before my brother's wedding, opening randomly to Harry and Cho's kiss and having my mind all aflutter until I could figure out the progression that got them there.

Of course, being in college, I was arguably too old to be reading these. But then again, everyone in the world was reading them so I hardly feel self conscious.

Being presently on the second book on the Fifty Shades of Grey series (which I have been somewhat reading for the last year, typically reserved for long baths), I can hardly say I have found a new series that captures my interest quite the same way. I poured through Hunger Games, Twilight and the Sookie Stackhouse series at a pretty steady clip, but they miss the humor, the world building and the intellectualism of Harry Potter. Even the quiet intellectualism that comes out in the names and the literary allusions.

And, let's be real, a lot of them just aren't up to the general quality bar.

Enter Game of Thrones. My geeky new obsession, albeit acknowledged that the first book came out in 1996. I am struggling to keep up with the books in tandem with the series, but am now on Book 3, A Storm of Swords. Holy cow are these books good. Some of the best-written female characters in literary history, as far as I am concerned (excepting Jane Austen). The ability to read a book in which you have genuinely NO idea where the characters' storylines are heading is exhilarating. There are so many opportunities for self-identification and reflection, it is like a breath of fresh air and a stein of heavy stout all in one.

I may have also gotten a little obsessed with both the books and the show over the last few months, resulting in me getting this for the husband for Christmas:

Yes, our sigil is a Golden Retriever.

I am sure I will have many Game of Thrones posts to follow. I own A Feast of Ice and Fire: The Official Game of Thrones Companion Cookbook, so food adventures are inevitable.

Does anyone else have any series they are obsessed with? Medieval recipes?

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